2009-2024: Winner of Nanowrimo. Resulting in several novel drafts.
2020: released "Die phantastischen Fälle des Robert Fuchs" (The fantastic Cases of Robert Fox) novel and audiobook
2018: peer writing tutor training at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
2017: took part in the writer training program by and with Oliver Uschmann
2017-today: localizations for indie game projects
2016-today: writing for indie game projects
2013-2014: writing for local game studio
2010: writing game concepts for game studio
2009: script 'Nerd Verne' animated shortfilm
2007: selected for Academy for Children's Media advancement program
2007: shortstory 'Mein Lebewohl' published in newspaper
2004: started working on first novel
Stories and storytelling have always been a passion of mine. I've been writing on and off since 2004. Since 2009 I've been working on several novels and writing regularly, a lot of the time on a daily basis.
Moreover I did some writing for games and German<->English translation work.
I mostly write in German as my native language. You can find out what I'm up to on my writer's page: Autorenhomepage: Lars Hannig or on my Facebook writer's page: Lars Hannig.